Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Unsecured WiFi for the Win!

So, I'm stealing some poor schmuck's unsecured WiFi to post this.

I've just moved to a new place in a new city, and I've had to do a lot of job hunting, leaving little time for blogging. Like I mentioned yesterday, internet won't be hooked up here for a few days, so blogging will be sporadic.

I've been working on Eldritch Adventures. First town is mostly done. Mostly. There are a couple of NPCs that need some tweaking. I'll get an update on MediaFire as soon as I can.

Till next time.


  1. I love it when I find wireless networks without passwords. Cheers!

  2. lol @ wifi theft. Its really their fault though for not putting a password

  3. Maybe the WiFi was left open on purpose, there are a lot of anarchists out there that believe in this kind of open society :)

  4. @ Hams Kruger: Oh, I completely support open WiFi. I leave my own open for public use.

    But I doubt this was intentionally left. The router has never been configured. Someone bought it, plugged it in, and forgot about it. No router password. The wifi is called dlink. It's completely factory default.

  5. haha, i wouldnt ever leave my wi fi open... unless i had like infinite data... everyone would just torrent everything and waste it all

  6. Definitely download Firesheep... hilarity is likely to ensue... watch out for the Cyber Police

  7. sweet dude. lol i have a few neighbors around me that have an open network. sometimes i use it lol

  8. Stealing WiFi is good for health, but bad for education. ;)

  9. hope that guy isn't following your blog man

  10. poor schmucks indeed....hope they never find out...

  11. I keep my wifi on lockdown because I dont want to share bandwidth, lol. I wouldnt mind people using it if it wasnt for that!

  12. Haha, yeah, unsecured wifi or wifi with poor passwords ftw !

  13. Lol, I remember having internet for months for free from some neighbour, but it seems like he once found out and locked it down :(

  14. Bahahahah I love this shit. This is why I keep my wifi locked dipshits

  15. Haha props :P
    Keep mine nice and secure as well :P

    Find me over at if you want to stop by. :D

  16. I leave my wifi unlocked for those that are desperate. Sharing is caring fellas! As long as they don't blow my download caps >.<
